I am running into this right now. I left many years ago and was never DF. But now a relative of mine is DF and I won't be a part of the shunning. This has infuriated my family members. I recently had a big blow up with my family because I told them that I choose love and shunning is not loving. I was told that because I refuse to shun the DF person I am "ruining" the lesson that DF'ing is supposed to teach. I haven't stepped foot in a KH in more than 15 years - so why on earth would I shun someone who left? The craziness never ends. The whole family has turned on this DF relative - and have done some terrible things in the name of this religion.
On the up side our non-jw family and the community that they live in have seen for themselves the hateful and hurtful nature of this. The JW's have given their own anti-witness to alot of people.